Nokia Tablet Stuff

This blog is only intended for my consumption - it is just a log book.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Setting up the 770 for dual booting

We are basically following this: and with some mods for using an ext3 partition and different partition sizes.

  • Re-flash to a clean OS2006.
  • BT keyboard plug-in - install from MMC card, re-boot, see maemo-bt-plugin
  • Pair with iGo keyboard (Set B/T on, enter OK to iGo and then enter Fn+ passcode, Fn+enter).
  • Wifi.
  • Install the following repos (using Gronmayer):
    • Search for xterm in Gronmayer:
Web address:
Distribution: mistral
Components: free non-free
    • Search for becomeroot in Gronmayer:
Web address:
Distribution: mistral
Components: user
    • Search for status in Gronmayer:
Distribution: mistral
Components: main
    • Search for ping in Gronmayer:
Web address:
Distribution: mistral
Components: user other
  • Install (osso-)xterm (v. 0.13)
  • Install becomeroot (v. 0.1-2)
  • Install ping and x11vnc (0.8-3):
Ping is needed to keep connection up while in putty: ping -i20 (could use streaming radio instead).
  • Install osso-statusbar-cpu and set up the ping command in the command list (ping -i30
  • Install wget (v. 1.10.2)
  • In xterm:
sudo gainroot
and change root and user passwords - short s

  • In xterm as root install ssh (v. 1:3.8p1-3osso4):
apt-get install ssh
Can now use putty on WinXP to access

  • In putty as root install e2fsprogs (v. 1.37-2sarge1):
apt-get install e2fsprogs

  • Partition RS-MMC (can be skipped if partitions are intact):
    • Back-up (file copy) the FAT32 partition on the MMC card to F:CopyOf770MMC
    • Partition the MMC card as ~1.27GB, ~.637 GB using:
#sfdisk /dev/mmcblk0 -uM
/dev/mmcblk0p1: 0,1300,06
/dev/mmcblk0p2: ,,,
    • Format linux partition p2 as ext3:
mke2fs -j /dev/mmcblk0p2
    • Format the FAT32 partition using the card-reader and WinXP
    • Restore F:CopyOf770MMC to the new FAT32 partition.

  • Install boot menu:
    • Mount the Linux partition:
insmod /mnt/initfs/lib/modules/
insmod /mnt/initfs/lib/modules/
insmod /mnt/initfs/lib/modules/
mount /dev/mmcblk0p2 /media/mmc2
    • Using WinSCP:
copy F:DownloadsAndPatchesfanoushboot menuinitfs_flasher.tgz to /home/user/MyDocs/.documents on the 770.
copy F:DownloadsAndPatchesfanoushboot menu770bootmenuconfbootmenu.conf to /home/user/MyDocs/.documents on the 770.
cd /home/user/MyDocs/.documents/
tar zxvf initfs_flasher.tgz
cd initfs_flasher/
    • Follow the on-screen instructions.

Cloning the Operating System to Internal SD/MMC Card

7. Download and execute the following script and binary
  • The following commands will download the cloning script and the GNU tar binary to assist with the cloning process

7.1 As user "user"
  • Execute the following in xterm:
    mkdir ~/bin
    cd ~/bin
    chmod +x tar
7.2 As user "root" (without Sardine upgrade)
  • Switch to the root superuser and begin the process of cloning the filesystem to partition two on the Internal memory card. This is achieved in stages to allow you to control progress and check for errors. Pass parameters to the script to control progress, as follows
    sudo gainroot
    cd /home/user/bin
    ./ 0 ext3 (this step usually may be omitted)
    ./ 1 ext3
    ./ 2 ext3
    ./ 3 ext3
    ./ 4 ext3
Take an Acronis backup and we are done.

Objectives for setting up my 770 and N800

I am going to set both tablets up so that they can be booted from memory cards.


For the 770 the objective is to get more space for installing software and maybe make it go a little faster. I will set it up for dual booting but I don't expect to use that very often. I also hope that I can back up my memory card installation from the PC. I would like to have OS2007HE in the main flash memory and OS2006 in the memory card. I anticipate using OS2006 more than OS2007HE so I am picking this as the system to be loaded into the faster memory.


For the N800 the objective is also to get more space, performance(?) and the ability to back up the memory card. I also want to have a clean install on the internal flash for 'normal' usage, and an experimental install on a memory card to allow me to install crap without worrying too much about having to reinstall everything when things go pear-shaped. I also plan to do sw. development on the memory card. I want to install OS2008 in both the main flash memory and in the memory card - I would prefer OS2007 somewhere, but this does not seem to be possible at this time.